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UMPH, GCORR, GCFA Collaborate to Support Korean and Spanish Translations of The Book of Discipline

Updated: Feb 24

Working to answer a denomination-wide appeal by The United Methodist Publishing House (UMPH), and in conjunction with the General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR), the Board of Directors of the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) authorized the approval of a one-time $125,000 grant to facilitate the publication of the 2020/2024 Book of Discipline and Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation in Korean and Spanish. This grant supplements additional resources dedicated to this project by The United Methodist Publishing House.

In January, The United Methodist Publishing House (UMPH) announced “with great reluctance and disappointment” that alternative funding or different means of production and distribution were required to ensure the publication of Spanish-language and Korean-language versions of The Book of Discipline and the Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation and appealed to members and leaders of The United Methodist Church to help discern a path forward.

UMPH, a self-supporting agency who receives no apportionments, has subsidized these resources as part of its ministry for more than thirty years, including investing more than $100,000 last quadrennium, as General Conference has not made provisions to ensure translations of these resources. Facing a $2 million revenue shortfall related to steep declines in attendance at worship, Sunday school and small groups, UMPH issued the denominational appeal that led to GCORR’s involvement.

The Rev. Dr. Giovanni Arroyo heard the call and, on behalf of his Commission, helped highlight the importance of these resources and liaised with the affected communities. GCORR worked with UMPH and GCFA to find contingency funds monies, so that The United Methodist Church can live into our commitment of valuing equity and inclusion while continuing to make disciples.

The new resources will be available in July, which is the same schedule followed in previous quadrennia.

In announcing the resolution of the funding requirement, The Rev. Brian K Milford, President, and Publisher, said, “We are deeply appreciative of the leadership of the General Commission on Religion and Race and the General Council on Finance and Administration for their commitment and resourcefulness in responding to the financial challenge.  The news that a lack of funding jeopardized publication of these resources was understandably alarming and disheartening to all who affirm our core United Methodist commitments to full inclusion of all the people of God.  UMPH is pleased to partner with fellow agencies in continuing the practice of producing and distributing resources that we have delivered on behalf of The United Methodist Church for over 30 years.”  

Announcing the special General Administrative Fund Contingency grant, Rev. Moses Kumar of GCFA said, “While our contingency funds are limited, the GCFA Board felt this was a very worthwhile endeavor. Belonging starts with understanding, and we are happy to collaborate to help our affected siblings and remove a burden to full inclusion.”

The Rev. Dr. Giovanni Arroyo of the General Commission on Religion and Race said, “Ensuring that our Korean and Hispanic communities have access to The Book of Discipline and Guidelines in their respective languages was a matter of equity. The collaboration among Ethnic Plan leaders and our respective agencies demonstrates how our collective insights led to a unified and effective solution.”

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