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UMC Acronyms Guide

Updated: Feb 1, 2024

It can be hard to keep up with all these UMC acronyms. We've created a guide that will help you!

Let's face it, there are a lot of acronyms used in The United Methodist Church. Whether you're new to the church or were raised in it from youth, it can be hard to keep up with all these UMC acronyms. We've created a guide that will help you!

AGI - Agency Group Insurance

Manages the benefits for all agencies

BMCR - Black Methodists for Church Renewal

To raise up prophetic and spiritual leaders who will be advocates for the unique needs of Black people in The United Methodist Church

BOD - Book of Discipline

This is the instrument for setting forth the laws, plan, polity, and process by which United Methodists govern themselves remains constant. It reflects the understanding of the Church and articulates the mission of the UMC (To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The Discipline defines what is expected of its laity and clergy as they seek to be effective witnesses in the world as a part of the whole body of Christ.

COB - Council of Bishops

According to the Book of Discipline, "The Church expects the Council of Bishops to speak to the Church and from the Church to the world and to give leadership in the quest for Christian unity and inter-religious relationships."[Paragraph 427.2]

CPPP - Committee on Personnel Policies & Procedures

Referred to as 'C3P'. This is a committee that decides on policies & procedures. All agencies have a voting representation in this committee.

CT - Connection Table

Facilitates the Church's program life as determined by the General Conference. Its task is to discern and articulate the vision for the Church and to facilitate the stewardship of the mission, ministries and resources of The UMC. The Connectional Table evaluates how effectively the general program-related agencies carry out the mission and ministry of the church as they work with annual conferences and local churches to fulfill the church’s mission to make disciples for the transformation of the world.

CRSP - Clergy Retirement Security Program

Provides both defined contribution (DC) and defined benefit (DB) components.

DAC - Denominational Average Compensation

Years of service as clergy other than as a bishop.

DM - General Board of Discipleship

Focuses on the local church, helping congregations to win converts to the Christian faith; connects leaders with needed resourcing, training, consulting and networking that support spiritual formation through Upper Room Ministries, new church development, revitalization of local churches, young people's ministries and materials for use in central conferences.

EAC - Economic Advisory Committee

This is a committee that performs economic analysis and advises the Board on economic decisions. United Methodist Church Acronyms

FACT - Financial Analysis Consulting Teams

Groups of agency staff and retired bishops who help guide interested annual conferences through a process of understanding, analysis, and assessment of their short and long term financial condition and organizational needs.

FCPA - US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 is a United States federal law that prohibits U.S. citizens and entities from bribing foreign government officials to benefit their business interests.

GAEM - General Agency & Episcopal Matters

This is a committee that manages anything to do with the Bishops.

GAUMC - General Agencies of the UMC

Created by the General Conference and administer or carry out the programs and directives adopted by General Conference.

GBCS - General Board of Church and Society

Promotes the church's Social Principles & other statements on social justice made by General Conference; analyzes long-range social trends underlying ethical values, systemic alternatives and strategies for social change.

GBGM - General Board of Global Ministries

Enables congregations and annual conferences to participate in mission activity; recruits, sends and receives missionaries across racial, cultural, national and political boundaries.

GBHEM - General Board of Higher Education and Ministry

Prepares men and women for ordained and other designated ministries in United Methodism; represents church in higher education; develops standards and procedures for certification in ministry careers.

GBOPHB - General Board of Pension and Health Benefits

Administers the UMLife Options Life Insurance; disability of an active bishop, surviving spouse and depending children benefit, educational benefit for the central conference bishops as determined by the policies and procedures adopted by GCFA.

GCAH - General Commission on Archives and History

Cares for the historical interests of the UMC; gathers, preserves and disseminates archival materials; maintains archives & libraries to preserve the church's records for responsible public & scholarly use.

GCCUIC (now OCUIR) - General Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-religious Concerns

Advocates for ecumenical relationships with other faith communities; seeks to help United Methodists to realize the church's ecumenical commitment-to understand their membership in the one church of Jesus Christ; seeks to discern and advocate God's plan for the unity of the human community.

GCOM - General Council on Ministries

This body was dissolved. General agencies seeking approval for relocation of headquarters or staff bring the case for relocation before both GCFA and the CT in separate actions.

GCFA - General Council on Finance & Administration

Coordinates and administers finances of the UMC in accord with General Conference legislative actions…receives, disburses and accounts for the church's general funds, safeguards the church's legal interests and rights. Perform defined responsibilities of review and oversight on behalf of the General Conference in relation to the other general agencies and to perform other assigned functions. Functions as the Board of Trustees of The UMC.

GCORR/GCRR - General Commission on Religion and Race

Challenges the entire church; and all its agencies and related institutions to the full and equal participation of racial and ethnic minority constituencies in the church's life and mission; strives to ensure inclusiveness through advocacy, counseling, consulting and investigating.

GCSRW (COSROW) - General Commission on the Status and Role of Women

Challenges United Methodists to work toward the full and equal responsibility and participation of women in the church's life and ministry; serves as an advocate for women; individually and collectively within the church; develops policies and strategies to address and eradicate all form of sexism-including sexual harassment; seeks creative methods to rectify past inequities and to prevent future discrimination and develops guidelines for language in our churches that is inclusive of all persons and reflective of the fullness of God.

GCUMM - General Commission on United Methodist Men

Coordinates resources on evangelism, mission, stewardship, spiritual development and men's role in society; trains UM Men Leaders; serves as a clearinghouse for chartering information, funding and programming ideas and related issues facing UM Men groups - at local, conference and district levels.

MARCHA - Methodists Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic Americans

This is the Hispanic/Latino caucus within UMC.

UMCom - United Methodist Communications

Seeks to increase awareness of the mission and ministries of the UMC in communities and nations around the world; works to meet the strategic communications, public relations and marketing needs of the global church in order to invite people into relationship with Jesus Christ and advance ministries that change lives; manages the denomination's official website

UMCOR - United Methodist Committee on Relief

The denomination's designated mission-giving channel.

UMI - United Methodist Insurance Company, Inc.

GCFA formed UMI in April 2011 as successor to UMPACT. The company began retaining risk in Oct 2011 on selected lines of coverage. UMI retains risk, issues policies, collects premium, pays claims, and is subject to federal and state regulation. United Methodist Church Acronyms

UMITA - United Methodist Information Technology Association

Provides professional networking, resources, and knowledge to empower its members to provide technological leadership in the mission, ministry, and administration of the church.

UMW - United Methodist Women, now United Women In Faith

Focuses on ministries with women, children and youth. United Methodist Women also support programs and projects aimed at improving the special needs of women because of their refugee statuses, their immigration statuses, situations in which they are abused, their high illiteracy rate in some countries, their economic dependence, their educational disparities, and much more.

UMPACT - United Methodist Property and Casualty Trust

Serves as the primary vehicle through which GCFA responds to its Disciplinary mandate regarding insurance. It is a non-profit, member-owned, captive insurance company owned and capitalized by the annual conferences and agencies that participate and provides various insurance coverages to annual conferences and agencies of the UMC. After 29 years of UMIP (United Methodist Insurance Program), GCFA formed the UMPACT.

UMPH - UM Publishing House

Distributes all the official publications, records and forms of the denomination, publishes books through Abingdon Press, and operates Cokesbury retail and online stores, mail order service. It also publishes and distributes church school materials and resources throughout the denomination; functions as a fully self-supporting agency. Advances Christianity throughout the world by publishing and distributing resources to support the work, ministry and mission of clergy, seminarians, Christian educators and laity in The UMC and the broader Christian community; functions as a fully self-supporting agency; provides, through Cokesbury, a vast array of products and services to individuals and congregations, including altar ware, church furniture, etc. from a variety of publishers.

UMVIM - United Methodist Volunteers in Mission

A GBGM Project. United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) is a short-term mission agency of the United Methodist Church. UMVIM exists to promote, encourage and enable Christians to exemplify “Christian Love in Action” through short-term mission service locally, nationally and internationally.

WCC - World Council of Churches

Founded in 1948, includes 349 member communions throughout the world representing over 560 million Christians.

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