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2024 GCFA Reports

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

No. 1: World Service Fund

When United Methodist congregations give their share of apportioned funds, they participate in God’s work. The World Service Fund is the heart of our collective church ministry. Through this fund...


No. 2: Ministerial Education Fund

The Ministerial Education Fund was established by action of the 1968 General Conference. Its mission is to engage the membership of the church in an effort to equip annual conferences, theological schools, and...


No. 3: The Black College Fund

The 1972 General Conference established the Black College Fund as one of the apportioned general church funds. The objective of the fund is to provide financial support for institutions of higher education that have historically...


No. 4: Africa University Fund

The 1988 General Conference approved the establishment of a United Methodist university on the continent of Africa. By the time the 1992 General Conference convened, the site selection process was complete, the Zimbabwe Annual Conference...


No. 5: The Episcopal Fund

The 1988 General Conference approved the establishment of a United Methodist university on the continent of Africa. By the time the 1992 General Conference convened, the site selection process was complete, the Zimbabwe Annual Conference...


No. 6: General Administration Fund

The General Administration Fund (¶ 813) finances general church activities that are specifically administrative in nature. In the 2025-2028 quadrennium, the jurisdictional apportionments for these General Administration Fund activities will...


No. 7: Interdenominational Cooperation Fund

The Interdenominational Cooperation Fund allows The United Methodist Church to fulfill our disciplinary mandate to continually strive toward...


No. 8: Apportionment Formulas

The Book of Discipline provides that the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) will recommend the formulas by which all apportionments to the annual conferences shall be...


No. 9: General Church Special Sunday Offerings

The General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA), in consultation with the Connectional Table (CT) and the Council of Bishops, makes recommendations to...


No. 10: Committee on Audit and Review

The Committee on Audit and Review (Committee) of the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) has the principal function of assessing the...


No. 11: Directives for the Administration of the General Funds

Fixed charges in any of the general funds will be paid as expended within the limits of the approved budgets. However, the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) is...


No. 12: Pay Equity in the General Agencies of The United Methodist Church

Paragraph 807.12a requires the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) to “gather from all general agencies...


No. 13: References from Previous General Conferences

The 2016 General Conference referred three petitions (60945, 60946, 60947) to the Connectional Table (CT), the Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters (Standing Committee), and GCFA. Each...


No. 14: General Church Sources of Funding to The General Council on Finance and Administration

The General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) fulfills a wide variety of oversight responsibilities within The United Methodist Church. Spending by GCFA is in support of...


No. 15: Income from The Board of Trustees and the Permanent Fund

The General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA), by action of the 1972 General Conference, serves as the successor to The Board of Trustees of The...


No. 16: Report on General Agencies Headquarters/Staff Location

Via ¶ 807.6 of the Book of Discipline, the General Conference has assigned the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) the following responsibility...


No. 17: The United Methodist Church Foundation Investment Management

As we approach the twenty-fifth anniversary of The United Methodist Church Foundation d/b/a Foundation Investment Management (FIM), we are proud to have grown as a ministry of...


No. 18: United Methodist Insurance Co., Inc.

Since 1976, the General Conference has required the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) to make available a “church-wide [property and liability] insurance program.” The General Conference revisited...


No. 19: World Service Specials

The Book of Discipline defines a World Service Special as “a designated financial contribution made by an individual, local church, organization, district, or annual conference to a...

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